Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Advice to those under the weather

Good day faithful readers. Today I have a little advice for you if you happen to be suffering from the flu, cold or a similar type of ailment. Are you ready? STAY AT HOME AND GET BETTER!!! Don't try and be a hero and "tough it out". If you go to work you'll take longer to recover, you won't be terribly productive while you are there anyway and you'll most likely pass on whatever you're suffering from to whomever you come in contact with.

It used to really annoy me when people did this in my previous job in Australia, and it seems that it is not something that was confined to that particular work place, because the manager at the world famous Blue Anchor Pub also seems to think that it is admirable to come into work when you've hardly got the energy to stand up. As a consequence half of the staff also developed the same flu, myself included. Me, who never gets sick! Thankfully I don't seemed to have suffered anywhere near as badly as the others, who seemed to think they were knocking on Death's door. My symptoms seem to have merely been feelings of being run down and a big glob of phlegm (such a phonetically nice word to describe such a vile substance) on my lungs. I was suffering a somewhat yesterday, which probably wasn't helped by going on a 14km run, but today I'm feel quite a lot better.


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