Thursday, December 15, 2005

There's nothing so lonesome, morbid or drear than to stand at the bar of a pub with... carrot sticks!

Good day faithful readers. Today I'm going to conduct a little market research. One of the benefits of working at the world famous Blue Anchor Pub is that we regularly have drinks bought for us by the customers, we can enjoy as much softdrink as we like and have anything off the menu free of charge. As good as this sounds, it isn't exactly good for the waistline (I'm not saying I'm putting on weight either in case you were wondering. I do have a little self control, but mostly I just have to do lots of exercise).

Anyway, I'm deviating. I was discussing this with one of my fellow barstaff the other day, and in particular how we continually have to wander off to the supermarket to buy fruit (which shall be the topic of a whole other post when I get around to it) in order to ward of scurvey. This conversation got me thinking. What if I were to open up a bar for the health conscious? Instead of peanuts and chips there would be carrot sticks and fruit platters. Instead of smoke there would be highly filtered air (and maybe even oxygen tanks!). We'd have 'healthy' beer, whatever the hell that is... maybe organic, maybe US type 'light' beers that are low in calories rather than low in alcohol.

So being the intelligent lot that you are faithful readers, what do you think? Would there be a market for such a pub? Are there people out there who long to go to a pub but are held back by fears for their health? Or perhaps the whole idea is ridiculous and even healthy people like to go to pubs because it is their chance to be a little naughty.


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