We have fire

Good day faithful readers. The temperature here in London has finally started to heat up. To such an extent indeed that last weekend my flatmate suggested that we have a bbq. “Great idea” I said, “I didn’t know we even had one”. With that she pointed over what I had always assumed to be some sort of strange wood oven shaped plant pot! Certainly not the sort that I’m used to operating, but given that everything that I’ve ever tried to cook on the gas variety has turned into a disaster I was willing to give it a go.
Just around the corner from my new place is a really good South African butcher shop, so I thought that drop in and pick up some steaks and sausages. Unfortunately I wasn’t quite prepared for the size of the steaks that they were going to give me. It seems that when I said two pieces of steak that was interpreted as the left side of the cow and the right! So now I had the world’s biggest steak to cook on the world’s smallest bbq.
Although I like steak, particularly when cooked on a bbq, I don't recall having ever actually cooked a good one. They're always overcooked, undercooked, tough. Basically everything that can go wrong would go wrong every time that I attempted to cook steak. Using my mini-q however my monster steak actually turned out extremely nice! Perhaps it was because I couldn't fit anything else on there and my concentration was focused on what I needed to do? Whatever the case, I ate well that night by the glowing coals. Bring on summer and more bbq's I say!
The missing link
Good day faithful readers. You can alert the presses, shout it to the world, the search for the missing link is over… and guess what? It’s me!
I went in to order a new bike the other day, which if you’re buying from somewhere other than Target means that they need to measure you up in all sorts of personal areas so that they can provide you with the right bike for you. Now, if you’d asked me beforehand to name two of my measurements which I thought would be unusual for my height, I would have said, broad shoulders, long torso. But apparently not! Apparently I’ve been fooling myself this entire time! According to the statistical data used by bicycle manufacturers, the average person of my height has a shoulder width of 426mm and torso length of 588mm, while I am 424mm and 577mm respectively. Strangely enough my leg length is also shorter than average, which can only mean that I’m not just metaphorically big headed!
Anyway, with these measurements it was all a matter of millimetres. Depending on where the guy happened to think my shoulder blade was on the day could have easily varied the results. When it came to arm lengths though it was a whole other matter. According to the results my arms are 3cm longer than average! Guess I won’t be able to use the short arms, deep pockets excuse at the next charity evening. With my short torso and legs and my extendable arms, my bloody knuckles will be dragging on the ground!
Connected at last

Good day faithful readers! It’s finally happened, I’ve finally got internet connected at my new place!
The saga began back in early March! I thought that it would be just a matter of checking out prices, calling the chosen one up and having them send me all the appropriate gear… but noooooo!
Because we didn’t have a land line in place it meant that I had to have BT install one, and in the process become a BT customer, despite the fact that we didn’t want BT as our supplier. Once this was done it was a matter of calling TalkTalk (the supplier that we wanted) and having them place a request to BT that we be swapped over… apparently it takes nearly 4 weeks to do this!
Anyway, the day finally arrived when we were supposed to be hooked up, so I got all the installation CD’s out, but to no avail, internet wasn’t working. After plugging a phone into the line into the socket I discovered that the reason for this was that there was no dial-tone! I call up TalkTalk and they say “we’ll have someone around there to look at it at 5pm on Monday”. Monday comes and I get a call at work at 11am from the technician announcing that he is outside my front door and asking if I’m around! Eleven o’clock on a Monday morning? Of course I’m around!
Anyway, I can’t complain too much, because whatever was wrong he fixed and when I came home I had a dial-tone.
So, now I have a great new house, really nice new flat mate and I’m finally bloody well connected to the internet again!!