Connected at last
The saga began back in early March! I thought that it would be just a matter of checking out prices, calling the chosen one up and having them send me all the appropriate gear… but noooooo!
Because we didn’t have a land line in place it meant that I had to have BT install one, and in the process become a BT customer, despite the fact that we didn’t want BT as our supplier. Once this was done it was a matter of calling TalkTalk (the supplier that we wanted) and having them place a request to BT that we be swapped over… apparently it takes nearly 4 weeks to do this!
Anyway, the day finally arrived when we were supposed to be hooked up, so I got all the installation CD’s out, but to no avail, internet wasn’t working. After plugging a phone into the line into the socket I discovered that the reason for this was that there was no dial-tone! I call up TalkTalk and they say “we’ll have someone around there to look at it at 5pm on Monday”. Monday comes and I get a call at work at 11am from the technician announcing that he is outside my front door and asking if I’m around! Eleven o’clock on a Monday morning? Of course I’m around!
Anyway, I can’t complain too much, because whatever was wrong he fixed and when I came home I had a dial-tone.
So, now I have a great new house, really nice new flat mate and I’m finally bloody well connected to the internet again!!
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