Only 5 weeks to go
Good day faithful reader. The train tickets are booked, the accommodation is arranged... yep, it's all go for Le Marathon de Paris, 09April2006! In five short weeks I shall be lined up with 34,999 others under the Arc de Triomphe all primed and ready to put myself through +3hours of pain. Oh yeah, is gonna be fun!
Based on my first couple of runs this week I'm not totally sure if total abstinence was the way to go because I felt aweful, but I seemed to improve again over my most recent runs. The real test will be when I do my next long run. The longest run that I've done thus far (prior to my enforced rest week) is 34km, which I did with relative ease. I hope to increase that to 36-38km prior to the marathon and then taper down to the marathon itself, switching to more speed work. All going according to plan I'll be on top form for the day and able to meet my target of 3:30:00.
Once I've completed the marathon I need to have my bike sent over from Australia, because it will only be 3 months until I have to tackle the mountains of the Tour de France!
Hey Sam,
Who's that who you've got nicely framed in the corner of the picture?
Hey Glen,
I have no idea who that is. She's just one of the many tourist that stop and stare at the Arc de Triomphe. I didn't even notice she was there until after I'd taken the phote, but I think that it was a stroke of luck that she squeezed herself in.
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