It's a wonder they're not ALL dead!
Good day faithful readers. It may or may not be true, but one of the strongest arguments that the Australian police use for not raising the speed limit in Australia is that it is higher in Europe and there is a significantly higher road toll. Now, of course I don't have the statistics in front of me, but after my week in France I would imagine that the road toll has nothing to do with the speed limit on the motorways, but rather the nature of the backroads. It's not that they're in poor condition, all the ones that I drove on seem to have been kept in reasonably good shape, it's that they're all tight, twisty and largely unused. Of course if you're anything like me, then being provided with this sort of road is basically like being given your own personal race track and of course driving everywhere like a maniac is always going to result in an extra casualty or two!
Since my time in France was purely for relaxation I decided that whenever I had time I would take backroads to my destinations. Sometimes this had me heading down roads that at first glance appear to be someone's driveway (god help anyone trying to find one of these roads in the dark!). I'm sure that the only people besides me to have used some of the roads in the last few months had been the farmers who own the adjacent land in their tractors!

On one of the days that I was in France I decided that I would head up to the Pyrenees, and particularly to the Col de Tourmalet, one of the most famous climbs to regularly appear in the Tour de France. I wasn't able to get all the way to the summit thanks to the fact that it is currently winter and the road was snowed over. However I did get a significant portion of the way up and certainly far enough to whet my appetite for when I bring my bike over in July this year.

Anyways, at the end of my time in France I had to say a fond farewell to Mr Twingo, who had treated me so well all the time I was treating him so badly. Given that I had only been in a car twice and not driven at all in the previous three months, and then it was on the left hand side of the road, I thought that I did rather well to come out the end of my trip with only a single displaced hubcap thanks to a close encounter with a curb coming into Condom... no pun intended!
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