Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace is located in a picture postcard area, just across the river from Kingston-on-Thames. Getting off the bus in Kingston, given that it was such a nice day I thought that I would walk to the Palace along "The Long Water", Hampton Court Palace's version of the Grand Canal at the Chateau de Versailles. Long Water is about right! It took me 3/4 of an hour to get there!

Having now visited somewhere like Hampton Court Palace, it makes me wonder why the Queen chooses to reside in Buckingham Palace. I mean it's a great location if you have to catch the Tube into work each morning. Five minutes and you'd be there. I don't really think that Queen has that problem though. From what I can tell, everything a monarch does could be done from pretty much anywhere they chose, so why not choose somewhere a lot prettier than Buckingham Palace, which personally I think ain't all that special. I'd take it over my place, sure, but if I had to choose between Hampton Court Palace (assuming I could kick all the tourists out) and Buckingham Palace I'd take the former every time.

I pondered all this while sitting under a tree, looking out of the gardens, drinking tea and eating scones with jam and cream. Actually, I'm glad the Queen has taken bad option. Now I can enjoy her gardens.
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