Les Bleus
Good day faithful readers. On the weekend just gone, the weekend when France played Brazil in the World Cup, I was lucky enough to be in Paris. Now having been in London for all the England games thus far I know how excitable football fans can get when their team is playing. For instance, there is no need to be watching the TV to know when England scores a goal, you'll know instantly from the cries of delight coming from your neighbours exactly what has happened.
The reason that I was in Montmartre was to go to the Moulin Rouge (which was excellent by the way). The game finished just before I went in, and almost instantly people poured out onto the streets to celebrate the victory. Two and a half hours later when I emerged, at two o'clock in the morning, not only had the crowd not died down, but it appeared that every single Parisien was out and about! The whole way home the taxi driver was avoiding cars with people hanging out windows, people roaming across roads. Apparently the Champs Elysees was closed there were so many people wandering around!
If that's what happens when the team makes it into the semi-finals I can't imagine what it will be like if they actually win the cup!
Allez Les Bleus!
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