Just like 1,000 peas in a pod
Good day faithful readers. Every morning I take the Tube to work at pretty much the same time, and every evening I catch the Tube home again at pretty much the same time. One thing that I’ve found to be consistent during my travels is that I’m packed into my carriage from when I get on to when I get off again. But this all changed about a week ago.
This phenomenon peaked last Thursday afternoon. I caught the Tube at my normal time and not only was there less people to contend with, but there were seats! Seats during rush hour! I quickly grabbed one for fear that the mob was right on my heels. But needn’t have feared, because my entire trip home there were always seats available.
It was only as I walked into my apartment block and heard as huge cheer as England scored that I realised why I’d had such a pleasant trip home. Three cheers for the World Cup. May England go all the way and all their games be played at 5pm!
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