The secret of my success

Well, if you've been watching the news over the last week or two you would undoubtedly seen (in between reports of the miners) reports about Steve Vaught, an obese chap who decided that a good way of losing weight and regaining his life after a bout of depression would be to walk across the US. If you haven't, his website is at In completing this journey not only has he managed to lose around 50kg, but he has picked himself up a $2m book deal!
Now this is nothing unusual, people get signed up to write books all the time, even if you've never read a book, let alone written one. I read yesterday that the wife of Wayne Rooney (English Footballer) has been signed up for stupid amount of money to tell the story of her life. For a start she's only 20, and the only thing interesting that she has ever done is marry someone who actually is interesting! Obviously I'm not going to get a book deal like this, so my only option is to follow the example of The Fat Man.
I've been thinking about it and I've decided that in order to do gain a book deal the following needs to be true:
- you're a generally likeable, but eccentric person
- you have a high level of commitment
- whatever you're doing is for a cause that lots of people can relate to
- the activity you're doing requires a level of physical endurance that people are in awe of
- you are somehow able to bring your activity into the lives of a large number of people
- you perform your activity in the USA
As far as personal qualities go I think I'm a perfect candidate. People like me, and I think that you'd have to be a little eccentric to leave a comfortable life to come over to Europe and work in a bar would you? In addition to this, if I only possess two qualities they're those of commitment and endurance. Once I set my mind to something it WILL be completed/done, however long it takes. The real problem comes in finding a cause that I'm passionate about and an activity that'll bring the maximum number of people's attention to it.
I'd ask for suggestions, but I don't think that the media would terribly impressed when they asked "why are you doing this" if I answered "because Joe Blogs suggested it." Actually they probably wouldn't be impressed if I said "because I wanted to get a book deal" either.
Note to self: remove this post when you become famous!
i would drink my way around the globe. *burp*
i'm passionate.
and am alcoholic as well... yeah!
Hmm, interesting, but perhaps not the most noble cause. Anyways, if done correctly you probably wouldn't remember enough of the trip to fill more than a couple of pages!
yes but i can always get other people to write abt my drunk antics! from what i've heard so far, things do get interesting when i get sloshed.
it's a great business plan since i'm actually getting other people to do my work for me!!!
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