Saturday, April 15, 2006

It all started when I ran out of cereal

Good day faithful readers. I had a particularly bad day the other day. Not bad in the sense that loved ones were dying/becoming sick or anything major like that, just bad in the sense that I wished that I could have just started it all over again. The real highlight of the day was a job interview that I had in the morning. My brain just wasn't operating at 100% and as such the answers that I gave to their questions were not as good as I would have hoped.

To be honest though, as soon as I up ended the cereal box over my bowl only to have a pile of crumbs fall out I should have realised that it was going to be a bad day and called up and rescheduled. I'm a big breakfast person, it's my favorite meal of the day by far. So simple yet so satisfying. So it was definitely a bad omen when I ran out. A lot of people that I come across bypass breakfast totally in order to get a little extra sleep, but personally I would rather get up an hour earlier just so that I can have my breakfast in a nice relaxing manner. The way it should be eaten.

There are three types breakfast that I really enjoy above all others. The first is the "going out" breakfast. This is where you get up late on a summer's Sunday and want larger breakfast, something that'll cover you for lunch too, but you can't be bothered cooking it. You wander down to your nearest cafe, where all the shoppers are already out and about, sit out the front in the sun and order something exotic like sticky black rice with coconut milk bananas and strawberries, croissantes, eggs done in all manner of ways.

My second favorite breakfast is the "big family" breakfast. There are two version of this breakfast. Firstly there is the "morning after" breakfast. This is the breakfast that occurs the morning after a big party where the whole family comes around for bacon, eggs etc cooked on the bbq before the big clean up begins. The second is the "morning off" breakfast (usually a Christmas thing), where the whole family comes around for a big breakfast with everything you could ever want as the starter to a day of eating.

My third favorite breakfast, my favorite favorite, is the "second" breakfast. Now that may seem like a strange sentence, but it will all become clear. One of my very favorite activities during summer is going for +100km bike rides very early in the morning. Now there is no way that you can ride this far without something to sustain you, so it is vital to have breakfast before you go. However, when you get back it is only about 9:30am and you're hungry again, so you stop with all your cycling friends at a cafe somewhere down near the beach for second breakfast. Now this breakfast doesn't usually consist of much, mainly coffee, pancakes, muesli, various pastries, but after a hard 100km ride it is extremely satisfying and you don't feel one shred of guilt in eating any of it. Combine this with just being able to sit out in the sun and watch the rest of the city wake up and I'll think you'll see why I like it so much. If only it weren't so hard to get out of bed at 5:30!


At 10:23 am, Blogger suelynanas said...

i'm never a breafast person, probably because i stumble about half asleep until after lunch. however, perhaps it is a viscious cycle: i don't eat because i am half asleep but i don't fully wake up until i have some food in the tummy.

how perplexing!

At 10:33 am, Blogger sam said...

Leah: Yes, that breakfast certain is right up there on my list. However, since I didn't think many of my readers would be able to relate I made the decision tp leave it off.

At 5:26 pm, Blogger suelynanas said...

whoa! there might be kids reading sam's blog... this'll scar them emotionally for life! ;p


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