The new shoe on the block

Good day faithful readers. Last week the time finally came to replace my beloved running shoes... well the time probably came a while ago actually. You're supposed to replace running shoes after about 500-600km, which is when the cushioning starts to wear out. My Nike Elites however lasted me for just over 1,000km! I probably would have given them the honour of completing their second marathon, but my shins had hurt a little after the last couple of runs that I had done. The last thing that I wanted to do was develop shin splints again, so I decided that it was time for a new for a new pair.

The shoes that I finally settled on were the Nike Vomeros. These are a slightly heavier shoes than the Elites, but for this extra weight you get a little bit of extra cushioning, which I thought was a good thing for someone with legs as fragile as mine. This turned out to be good decision, as after my first run in them, an easy 32km in the rain, my shins didn't hurt in the slightest and there was absolutely no hint of blisters, which can always be an issue with new shoes.
I also happened to have Wednesday off this week, this being the night the Serpentine Running Club goes running around Hyde Park. I decided therefore to try my new shoes out on a faster paced run. Despite the fact that I was still recovering from a cold, I still managed to run the 11.6km course nearly 30seconds faster than I'd ever done before. I imagine that my training program or possible Elke, a particularly attractive runner in my group, probably had more to do with it than my shoes, but nevertheless.
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