Saturday, June 24, 2006

That's him officer

Good day faithful readers. Last night started off magnificently. After work I headed over to some friends' place for dinner, after which we all walked to their local pub to watch the crucial game that would decided whether or not Australia's World Cup campaign would continue for at least one more game or come to a grinding halt. It was a tense game, with Croatia scoring in the first few minutes off a free then Australia equalising nearing half time. Then tragedy, the substitute goal keeper let a seemingly easy stop go through to the back of the net. We all thought that the dream was over, but Australia fought back and equalised again at around the 80minutes mark. After an edge of your seat final 10minutes we were finally through into the second round to play Italy.

After the game I headed home, all abuzz with excitement from the game, adrenaline still flowing through my system along with a little bit of alcohol. I was just beginning the final part of my trip home, the walk from the tube station to my house. I looked back down the road to see if my bus was coming, so I could make the trip a little quicker, when I was attacked!

Hit square in the side of the head, I staggered across the footpath in a daze. The woman who was walking behind me gasped. What kind of man mountain, with fists of iron had hit me with such force? I turned to face my attacker. Tall and black, thin but sturdily build, it's no wonder I hadn't seen him lurking there on the corner waiting for me...

Damn lamp posts!


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