Budapest Part I - language issues

The only reason that “hello” stuck in my head is that in Hungarian it is “szervusz”, which according to my faithful phrase book pronounced “ser-vus”. Every time I thought about it I’d picture a group of people sitting impatiently at a Hungarian restaurant yelling at the waiter “SERVE US”! The waiter looking around smiles, gives a little wave and wonders to himself why these customers are so vocal and persistent with their greetings.

I’ve probably got a bit of a bias view because of the areas that I visited, but it seams as though Hungarian is nearly turning into a second language in its own country. You can certainly see the need though when a single person is having to deal with people from Germany, Italy, France, Spain, other Easter European countries, all one after the other. The entire time that I was in Budapest I only came across one person who didn’t speak English, and that was the 200 year old lady operating the cloak room at the national gallery… and I’m sure that she was probably taking lessons.
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